Megan Zeigler, Pittsburgh, PA

Associate GI Project Manager, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority

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As a Green Infrastructure Associate Project Manager for the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, Megan is responsible for establishing design standards and protocols for how to construct, operate and maintain new green stormwater facilities within the City of Pittsburgh. As the Authority’s GI Program is being developed, a majority of Megan’s time currently focuses on the sewershed level planning and cross department coordination for capital projects. She has field experience as a former business owner with a strong focus on community design and engagement through her work in the nonprofit sector and at a community design center. She holds a Masters in Landscape Architecture from the University of Georgia and a BA in Environmental Studies from the Warren Wilson College.

  • Green Infrastructure 

  • Sustainability / resilience

  • Urban farming and food justice

  • Activating vacant lots / vacant spaces

  • Stormwater/Green Infrastructure


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