Backyard Bastille


This Bastille Day we at ioby are storming the file-cabinet fortress-prison of ioby project updates, and setting free all the lettres d'remerciements, or thank you notes. If you have ever donated to an ioby project, chances are, you're going to receive an email(s) from us with a thank you note from the project leader as well as some pictures of how the project is coming along. If you've never donated to a project (for shame!) and are curious about what you're missing out on, check out some of the selected project updates here.

We could really only fit a few letters and pictures here, so remember that this is just a handful of the awesome projects that are happening all over New York City, making our city sunnier and happier every day. You can always visit each project page and click "updates" for more letters, videos and photos.