Team 365 Kickoff Party, Jan 31st

For those of you who haven't heard, Team 365 is a powerful new club at ioby of people who give one dollar a day to the Team 365 Fund. Then, we use the fund to leverage more donations. This means that your donation works twice as hard, both going straight to projects and becoming a useful tool to bring in more donations. Details on how that works are here.

But, what we really want to tell you about now is our upcoming kickoff party for the 2012 Team 365. On Tuesday, January 31 from 7-9pm, we'll be getting together for a special party in the backroom at Jimmy's No 43. We want to hear from you about what you want from Team 365, what you want to learn about ioby's work and how you want to be involved in the environmental grassroots. Every member can join us for the party, and bring a friend. 

RSVP here!