Help us to provide another 3 adaptive bikes to children by raising $10,000. Every dollar contributed goes towards the cost of buying bikes and spreading the word to enlarge our community of supporters.
Sandra Alfonzo
601 5th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11215
1. Raise a $10,000 from a combination of contributions from customers, the public and local businesses and bicycle industry vendors.
2. Identify the first 2-3 recipients of bikes from Sunset Park public schools. Watch for their stories on our campaign page!
3. Create communications material that allows businesses and donors to spread the word to their customers, friends and family.
4. Recruit at least 10 campaign evangelists who agree to spread the word about AdaptAbility to friends and family in their networks with the goal of attracting donations, of any size, from at least 10 people each.
5. Spread the word with a campaign launch party in September at Behind Bars in Brooklyn and a day of special outreach online to start raise contributions to reach our goal of $10,000.
6. With every $3-4,000 raised, begin the process of matching a young person to a bike.
1. Raise a $10,000 from a combination of contributions from customers, the public and local businesses and bicycle industry vendors.
2. Identify the first 2-3 recipients of bikes from Sunset Park public schools. Watch for their stories on our campaign page!
3. Create communications material that allows businesses and donors to spread the word to their customers, friends and family.
4. Recruit at least 10 campaign evangelists who agree to spread the word about AdaptAbility to friends and family in their networks with the goal of attracting donations, of any size, from at least 10 people each.
5. Spread the word with a campaign launch party in September at Behind Bars in Brooklyn and a day of special outreach online to start raise contributions to reach our goal of $10,000 by year end.
6. With every $3-4,000 raised, begin the process of matching a young person to a bike.