A celebration for youth to enjoy Sam Felton Jr. park, create crafts, and meet their neighbors in a fun green-space!
Gloria Buxton
2800 Oakdale Ave. Lorain, OH 44052
The Arts in the Park Celebration will take place on Saturday, August 6th from 1:00pm to 3:30pm. Lorain Community groups are being asked to sponsor a table that offers a simple Make It-Take It craft activity for children at Sam Felton Jr. Park (formally known as Central Park in Lorain).
Arts in the Park envisions children enjoying the park, being able to experience multiple crafts, learning about organizations in their community and meeting their neighbors in a fun setting.
Ms. Gloria J. Buxton, retired education administrator, is creating and organizing this event with the support of Third Ward Councilwoman Pamela M. Carter.
1. Purchase Make it-Take it crafts for children, art supplies, drinks & snacks.
2. Find local community organizations to volunteer and support our craft tables.
3. Host the event!
4. Continue providing Arts in the Park in other Lorain City parks!
We wish to inspire collaboration and partnerships with community members for the enrichment and joy of the arts. Participating organizations are encouraged to provide informational handouts about their services.