Five years ago a large-scale mosaic was created by community folks representing their vision of how art could positively impact Beaver Falls. It's ready for installation on 7th Ave! Be a part!
907 7th Ave Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Five years ago, Renee Suhr and Christine Kroger came together and had a fun idea to create a community mosaic. How hard could that be!? That spark generated a project that would bring together litearlly hundreds of residents over the span of nearly two years to create a collaborative piece of public art. In the 10 months that followed the initial meeting, 5 different groups from Beaver Falls began meeting together in a collective effort to design a large-scale mosaic that would represent their vision of how art could positively impact Beaver Falls to both inspire and help affect change. The very process of its design was intentionally collaborative, drawing from the ideas and talents from many different parts of the community, from middle school to Geneva students, and from Trails Ministries to Tiger Pause. Since its design stage, many hands have been a part of its actual creation-- piecing together recycled ceramic tiles to form a tableau of Beaver Falls, thus giving ownership of this mosaic to the community and reflecting the pride, beauty and hope that its many creators have for their city.
The mosaic was originally designed to serve as a permanent art installation for the city, as well as a sign for Stray Cat Studio. It measures 225 sq. ft (15 ft. diameter) and was to be professionally installed on the side of the studio facing 7th Ave. Unfortunately, the studio wall was unable to hold the mosaic, and so the mosaic became the property of the Beaver Falls Arts Council, a project of the CDC. The search began for the perfect location. It took several attempts and a lot of effort until we landed on the brick wall of Data & Design Enterprises, facing 9th Ave. Not only is the wall strong enough to support the mosaic, but the owner of the building is excited to be part of bringing public art to the community. The mosaic is scheduled to be installed this July, and the majority of the funds have been raised.
Many hands were part of this mosaic's journey. We welcome you to add your hand print to this community venture by donating today to help us raise the final $1000.00!
The 225 sq. ft. mosaic is constructed on Hardy Backer cement board and was designed to be installed in 30 separate pieces. A professional engineer has already been obtained to inspect the building where the mosaic will hang. The estimated date for installation is the end of July 2019. The actual installation of the mosaic will take approximately two days, including the grouting. Agreements will be made between all parties involved, and then our team will schedule the date for installation. Once that is done, we will contact folks who took part in the creation of the mosaic to invite them to celebrate with us at an installation party.
Public art plays a unique role in our neighborhood discourse and culture. It not only enhances meaning in our civic spaces, but also often reflects back the unique culture and qualities of our communities. This is especially true with our Community Mosaic. This project was collaborative not only in its creation, but also in its design by a diverse group of people from all over the city of Beaver Falls. As such, it reflects the many perspectives that are found within the different neighborhoods of our city.
The completed mosaic is now a project of the Beaver Falls Arts Council, whose mission is to support and promote public art as a tool for revitalization in Beaver Falls. The city is burdened with worn facades and vacant lots that generate feelings of decline, danger, and indifference. By addressing the physical environment, we can change these perceptions and more easily recognize our many assets and amazing potential. As public art, the mosaic enhances the public space and helps produce a greater sense of attachment to the community.
Surely, our surroundings say a lot about who we are and how we think about ourselves. The Community Mosaic triumphantly declares that the folks of Beaver Falls have a vision and a narrative of their city that is proud and hopeful.