Help protect our street trees and they'll provide energy savings, reduce pollution, retain stormwater, and enhance community health, all of which should be a right, not a privilege!
Suzy Myers Jackson
Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11216
We are a group of neighbors who over the past two years have come together both formally and informally to care for our block’s tiny urban gardens - our street tree beds. We're long-time residents and new arrivals, diverse in age, race, gender, and socio-economic status. We're renters, home owners, and business owners, who care about one another and care about our community.
What started with cleaning a single tree bed quickly grew to 20+ neighbors gathering to clean, compost, mulch, and plant 120 bulbs in 15 tree beds along our block. Together, we’ve pooled money to buy inexpensive temporary fences to try to protect our gardens, and donated time to clean debris and spread the word about the importance of street trees for both environmental and racial justice in our historically red-lined neighborhood.
However, our flimsy tree guards have not withstood sidewalk traffic or car doors opening and we’re rapidly seeing our community efforts quite literally be trampled upon.
While our volunteerism will continue, we are in desperate need of proper, city-approved tree guards, which are unfortunately too expensive for us to fund on our own. We're confident the installation of tree guards will not only increase community pride, but will reward the amazing efforts of our neighbors thus far and inspire continued action.
As soon as funds are raised: Submit for city permits for pre-approved tree guard designs; install tree guards on 8 street trees.
Spring 2024 - Block-wide Spring clean up - clear trash in tree beds, tend to bulbs planted in the fall, add compost and mulch; invite neighbors to sign up as ‘Tree Captains’ to take responsibility as an individual, family, or building for one specific tree bed on the block.
Summer 2024 - Block-wide Summer planting - with the leadership of our new Tree Captains, work together to tidy remaining spring bulb plantings and add appropriate native plants to beds for the summer.
Fall 2024 - Block-wide Fall clean up and planting - celebrate as neighbors the installation of tree guards, clean and prepare tree beds for the winter.
Crown Heights is a historically redlined neighborhood with a legacy of less tree canopy and more pavement, creating negative financial, environmental, and health impacts for residents. The trees that we do have are often neglected, with less care provided by the city than to more affluent neighborhoods. We are also limited in our ability to add more trees to our block due to electrical lines beneath the sidewalks, making the protection of existing trees that much more important.
With proper care and protection, we know the trees on our block have the ability to provide shade and energy savings, reduce pollution, retain stormwater, and enhance the mental health of community members, all of which we believe should be a right, not a privilege.