TreesLouisville will move a 35 year old climbing tree (a Contorted European Beech) to Maupin Elementary's Early Childhood Development Center.
Andrea Webster
1312 Catalpa St Louisville, KY 40211
TreesLouisville will move a 35 year old climbing tree (a Contorted European Beech) to Maupin Elementary's Early Childhood Development Center. The 25-foot-wide tree will be located in a fenced-in playground, encouraging at risk pre-K students to develop their mapping, planning, divergent thinking and spatial reasoning skills while climbing and playing.
We hope to raise the full cost for the project with enough time left to move and re-plant the tree during the spring 2016 planting season, before school is out for the summer.
The identified climbing tree is a 35-year-old Contorted European Beech. It is 25 feet wide and 15 feet tall. It won't grow taller, but it will continue to sprawl in width and increase its branch girth.
It is our fervent hope to plant this tree in the fenced playground for the Pre-K children that attend Maupin Elementary’s Early Childhood Development Center. Maupin serves at risk students. More than 90% participate in the Free and Reduced Lunch program.
You are likely aware of the physical benefits of a climbing tree–grasping, pulling, pushing and reaching– assisting large and small muscle development. However, there is also a lot going on cognitively when kids are climbing trees –mapping, planning, divergent thinking and spatial reasoning. Added to these benefits are some emotional capacities that are strengthened as kids take risks, push limits and build resiliency. While climbing, children achieve self-satisfaction and a feeling of success. Kids are literally ‘climbing to new heights’ and often facing fears. Success is a key emotional experience we want kids to have, as it drives motivation and willingness to take on challenges. Social skills development through cooperation and collaboration are also benefits.
Maupin Elementary is a new JCPS School of Innovation-A Waldorf Inspired Catalpa School. It is located in the Parkland neighborhood on Catalpa Street.