Bringing our community together, one baby at a time.
Create a supportive environment for families, celebrate the miracle of new life, build a stronger, more connected community.
Carlton Ballard
6605 Walton Detroit, MI 48210
Join us in a remarkable endeavor to breathe life into a vacant lot, transforming it into an enchanting oasis that celebrates the arrival of precious babies and uplifts the spirits of expecting and new parents in our community.
Our vision for the Community Baby Shower extends far beyond a mere gathering. We aspire to create an extraordinary haven, where new families find solace, connection, and unwavering support.
By rallying together, we aim to cultivate an atmosphere that warmly embraces these budding families, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among parents. This remarkable event will equip them with essential resources, knowledge, and tools to confidently navigate the transformative journey of parenthood.
Once we have secured funding the team will:
Purchase baby items
Secure items needed to transform the vacant lot into a beautiful serene environment that makes the parents feel special and supported.
Detroit 2019 Statistics showed
Percentage of families with a single parent was: 72%
Total families with a single parent: 44,234
Percentage of families with a single mom: 59%
Percentage of families with a single dad: 13%
Research has shown that when communities provide support to new parents, it can have significant benefits for both the parents and the child. Some of the benefits include:
Improved health outcomes for the mother and child: Studies have found that when mothers receive support during and after pregnancy, they are more likely to have healthier babies and a lower risk of postpartum depression.
Increased parental confidence and self-esteem: When parents receive support and encouragement from their community, it can help them feel more confident in their parenting abilities and increase their self-esteem.
Better child development: Children who receive nurturing and supportive care from their parents and caregivers are more likely to develop strong cognitive and social-emotional skills, which can have long-term benefits for their overall health and well-being.
Stronger community connections: Supporting new parents can also help build stronger connections within the community, as people come together to celebrate new life and provide a supportive network for families.
Enhanced Social Cohesion: A study in Landscape and Urban Planning suggested that greening vacant lots can foster a sense of community, encouraging more social connections and interactions among residents.