We are a Chicago-based neighborhood initiative working to give back to our communities and bring neighbors together.
Alexandria Salerno
Streets of Chicago Chicago, IL 60647
Hello! We are Connected Neighbors. For starters, many thanks to your curiosity and openness to supporting our neighborhood initiative! We began our project in March 2020 when the COVID pandemic first hit Chicago. In an effort to give back to our community in a time that felt (literally and figuratively) isolating, we decided to extend our services out to the streets and towards our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness. What was initially meant to be a one-time delivery of nutritious muffins turned into what we have today- a project that has raised over $2500 in total since our beginnings and have delivered over 200 care packages with basic-needs items, donated clothing, food and water! We are now asking you and those close to you to continue supporting our efforts to reach out to those who are most in need of a helping hand.
The homeless population in Chicago is at an astounding 76,998 (as of 2018) with about 16,000 being unsheltered or housed in shelters (others are in and out of the homes of friends and family with no home of their own). The majority of these individuals and communities are Black, Latinx, and other racial identities of Color. Our country (and the world) is in the midst of a global awakening of recognizing the great disparities and inequity of resources to fellow neighbors and their communities, predominantly because of the color of their skin. Connected Neighbors remains dedicated to bringing together our communities for the service of others and to reach out to those who have long been unheard and unseen. We believe that all humans deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and as equal humans who are walking alongside us and sharing in our neighborhoods and world together.
We are just one of MANY other community outreach programs dedicated to helping those who are underserved in our Chicago community and are grateful to be surrounded by such a beautiful network of connected neighbors. Thank you for your support and donation in helping us with this project! Connected Neighbors would not exist were it not for all of our generous and compassionate neighbors. Community is rooted in connection and finding ways to come together and care for one another. Thank you for being a part of our neighborhood!
Given that we've already completed five successful delivery runs with money donated from friends & family (over $2500 since March 2020), we have a pretty solidified approach to how we use our money and will continue to use our money moving forward.
Our overall plan is to continue using the funds in the same way we have for the past five deliveries we've made. With the money we raise ($2000), we'll be able to continue our efforts of one delivery per month for at least the next 7 months, with 100 care packages being delivered each month.
The why for Connected Neighbors and for this specific project as a whole feels pretty simple: to give back and to serve our neighbors who are often unseen, unheard, and treated less than human AND to take care of the communities we share together.
Connected Neighbors is dedicated to serving those individuals, our community neighbors, in a way that allows them to feel respected, to be treated equal, and to share their stories and their desires (wants/needs) with us so that we can continue to provide our services in a meaningful way.
The other why is about bringing community and neighbors together. The COVID pandemic and the rising awareness in racism and systemic inequity has instilled a renewed sense of drive to give back, in any way that feels good and resonant within us. Connected Neighbors provides the opportunity for other neighbors to join in on the efforts in any way (fiscal donation, donated items, volunteered time, etc.) and to feel part of something bigger; something that brings us all together to do good in the service of others and our communities. There are numerous other organizations throughout the Chicagoland area doing similar community projects and outreach initiatives that give us hope and motivation to continue what we are doing and to connect with them in ways that will be beneficial for our communities. We are all in this together; all of this, all of the time. It is our passion to be sure we remain connected, in solidarity, in helping each other on our shared and separate journeys in this life. That is our why.