Lets make Detroit neighborhoods great again!. LWYL Don't Litter Detroit ,is eradicating the " Littering Mentality" with a new vision of a cleaner, safer hood & community
Joy Rd Detroit, MI 48204
My ideal is LWYL Keep Detroit Beautiful
My campaign was born out of the frustration of seeing litter and blight through our urban neighborhoods. This is a self imposed issue as the people who live in these areas are largely responsible for the condition of their environment.
My goal is to spread the message of DETROIT PRIDE through my Love Where You Live keep Detroit Beautiful. We strive to change the “Littering Mentality” the thought that makes it ok to throw trash from you car, or even litter in front of your own home.
Providing insight and understanding how blight affects our mental , physical and spiritual well being.
Detroiters are a proud group with a lot of LOVE and Swag for their city. We are always representing. Its time to re visit values of Pride and Self Respect that once flowed throughout our neighborhoods and was reflected in our homes. I want us to think twice before trashing the very place that we live and do business and be sure we are holding accountable those who are dumping in our communities by using our IMPROVE DETROIT APP to report these issues.
We will launch a 2month add campaign mid July on 25 SMART busses within the city of Detroit
Working with established Block Clubs and Community organizations sharing our message and our mission,
Information tables at the Palmer Park farmers Market 3 weeks starting June 26th
Purchasing a Billboard at an intersection( location undetermined at this time)
Raising additional funds through online T-Shirt sales @ Custom Ink
PHASE II FALL-WINTER 2024( dates to be determined) a public service TV and radio announcement
Why I do this? I do believe each one of has the ability to be the change we wish to see in this world. Take this small step of empowerment and watch yourself GROW
I have a dream that one day, I will walk the streets in my neighborhood that are free of litter, broken glass. Vacant homes will be filled with families, and the sounds of laughter and love will echo through the streets. Abandoned homes and structures will be demolished and replaced with new housing and green spaces. This project empowers people to make the change they want to see in their world, neighborhoods, and communities. When we change the face of our landscape, it can change the landscape of our mind, instilling pride and self-respect. It encourages growth and economic development in the area. We all have a vested interest in creating a clean, safe environment for our families and businesses to thrive and grow. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to take back our communities and make Detroit great again! Join us in this move to make a change, Love Where You Live!