This innovative and convenient solution will change the way recycling is collected in public housing developments. "It's a win, win for EVERYONE"
Brigitte Charlton-Vicenty
307 Blake Ave Brooklyn, NY 11212
The Inner City Green Team’s (ICGT) mission is to protect the environment and help transform the lives of residents living in NYCHA developments through education, job training and paid work that can lead to a lifetime of employment and civic engagement. Our primary objective is to create a sustainable, scalable, and replicable recycling infrastructure at NYCHA with job creation and community revitalization at its core. ICGT is a growing non-profit organization
(501 (c) (3) status pending) founded by and staffed by NYCHA residents.
July 12, 2018, Start of recycling collection:
Door-to-door recycling collection at @NYCHA Brownsville Houses kicked off last week as part of the @NYC_CTO #NYCx Co-Lab: Zero Waste in Shared Space Challenge. Cohort 17 served in high spirits echoing their chant through the community. #NYCHArecycles
Special thanks to:
The City of New York for awarding our project $20,000 through the NYCx Co-Lab Challenge
Extra special thanks to:
NYCHA Recognition Ceremony 4/18
While watching my mother's passionate engagement in caring for her community, her actions made me wish that I would someday adopt her desire to serve. As a teen, I was reluctant in helping her with her work, but I deeply wished I could become engulfed in a cause that I could be passionate about. When looking back at how all of this initiative got started, I would have to thank a teen sitting on a NYCHA's recycling bins one summer in 2006, who briefed me that I was "wasting my time" continuously placing my recyclables in the bins provided, because, "it only gets thrown in the garbage." Upon further investigating his unbelievable claim, I was disappointed to learn what he revealed to me were facts! In my head, dozens of questions swirled which required answers from the powers that be. The activism bug bit me!!
This problem had to be addressed due to the negative impact on society, the city, and our planet.