Our goal with this event is to educate the East Harlem community about the importance of having a Go Bag and how to put a Go Bag together so that individuals and oragnizations are ready and prepared!
Ann-Gel Palermo
East Harlem New York City, NY 10029
Our Mission
To make East Harlem a prepared and safe community, through emergency preparedness activities, and rapidly-coordinated community emergency response.
Our Vision
Our vision is a prepared and safe community in East Harlem.
What is the East Harlem COAD?
Founded in 2015, the East Harlem COAD is a neighborhood-based emergency management coordinating organization. Its members represent community- and faith- based organizations, health services, nonprofits, and small businesses. We identify the specific needs of East Harlem residents, and coordinate existing local resources to address them, both before and during disasters and public health emergencies.
The EH COAD needs to develop a communication strategy to inform the community about this event, identify a large mutlipurpose location with AV capability for the event, provide Spanish translation services, provide refreshments, produce education materials and purchase supplies (flashlights, first aid kits, gloves, whistles, etc) needed to create approximately 200 Go Bags as an event giveaway.