Help transform Gertie into a soup kitchen to feed those on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis: healthcare workers, the homeless, unemployed and hungry. Let's come together and tackle this crisis.
Eric Biddelman
357 Grand ST., GERTIE - Ground Floor Brooklyn, NY 11211
The Gertie Family feels that in a crisis, we New Yorkers come together. In this unprecedented time, many of you have asked, what will GERTIE do next to help feed the NYC community in need, and what can you do to help us do it? After feeding approximately 600 local hospital employees and 3,000 unemployed restaurant workers, we felt it was essential to revisit a few segments of the population that are most impacted by this pandemic. We now are campaigning to take care of a greater number of NYC constituencies in need, distributing meals around the city to the currently underserved children, families, seniors, in partnership with City Harvest and Rethink Food as well as healthcare workers and first responders in need of an uplifting, nourishing meal in partnership with Hospitality Workers United.
With your generosity, we can keeping our best assets, our kitchen and its staff (lead by Chef Mike Cain), open and working to feed those people. It is now time for all of us to unite and do what we do best - be hospitable and serve a warm meal.
Once we raise the necessary funds to run our soup kitchen for a week, we will get the team back together! We already have a network of purveyors, farmers, producers and restaurants that are willing to donate food, and facilitate delivery so we can stay healthy and keep cooking. As mentioned above, we've partnered with City Harvest, Rethink Food and Hospunited to make sure that those most in need will be served. We are ready to help, are you?
Join the Gertie Family in supporting our city!
Our goal is to take care of those communities being hit the hardest in this crisis. We've listened to the concerns of our regulars, the news, and local nonprofits and we feel it's our duty to support our community. Restaurants are meant to be restorative and there's no other time where this is more essential. We want to be there for you when you need it most.