Local artist Brandon Marshall will paint a mural on the side of a storage container that is being added to the expansion of the farm.
Lauren Kennedy
590 Jeanette Place Memphis, TN 38126
Knowledge Quest's Green Leaf Learning Farm involves the ongoing conversion of 25 formally vacant lots and abandoned buildings into an urban micro farm. UrbanArt Commission is leading the work on a mural project tied to the expansion of the farm through a partnership with Knowledge Quest and Grizzlies Garden Projects. Knowledge Quest is building additional infrastructure and growing their learning gardens in support of the after school programming they provide in the South Memphis area.
Knowledge Quest is securing a new storage container and arranging its placement within the larger context of the Green Leaf Learning Farm expansion. UAC is coordinating with mural artist Brandon Marshall to develop the content of the mural as well as working with Knowledge Quest and the Grizzlies to allow for volunteers to help Brandon execute the mural during a community event on October 17, 2015.
The tools and equipment required to support the development of the Green Leaf Learning Farm require accessible onsite storage. This project supports the beautification of a steel storage shed to be placed on one of the lots, adding to vibrancy of the overall project and involving community volunteers in the execution of the project.