For ongoing free mental & physical health services for underserved communities through the partnership of an athletic sports program & a counseling mentorship program.
Jessica Torres
Middletown Road & Stadium Avenue Bronx, NY 10465
We Got Next Sports, Inc. is a 501c3 Non-Profit athletic sports program that focuses on the core values of leadership, teamwork, and dedication through their recreational accessibilities that focuses on the strength of family bonds by living healthy lives through sports and community involvement. TrueNorth Compass, Inc. is an incorporated non-profit mentorship program that offers counseling services & resources for; mental health, financial literacy, and professional growth, focused primarily in the Bronx community and its neighboring underserved communities of New York.
Inequitable redlined sustainable programs have oppressed such underserved New York neighborhoods throughout history. Two community leaders were on a mission working towards changing that narrative to make such resources accessible to those underserved communities.
Antoine Noble of WGX & Jessica Torres of TNC met through networking and knew their efforts were best made through partnership. They decided to merge their parallel paths into a brother-sister community based program; combining both Physical & Mental Health together as one measure for success.
This project will fund these resources to offer to the community for all to experience; no matter your age, gender, class, creed, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. If you are in need of an athletic development program that offers a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your family; along with access to improve your mental health for a stronger sense of self through progression, WGX & TNC is here for you.
From athletic development to weekly group workshops; working on your physical health circles back to your mental health and vice versa. Our community members shouldn't have to choose one over the other or even one at a time; due to lack of resources. Working on improving your lifestyle is not an easy goal but it starts with one step; knowing what you deserve, and that's the ability to choose what's best for you. Your choices for a healthier lifestyle should not be limited to what seems to be available or how it is available due to the lack of community governmental funding.
Our funding comes from the people and its local businesses to maintain the integrity of what's right for our community and not what we are told in order to get the funds we need by leaning on governmental support. We strive to maintain our "For the people, by its people" integrity.
Help support our project by keeping it a family business made for the community, built by it's community members.
Donate and volunteer with WGX & TNC.... it takes a village.
Our efforts come from personal experience.
Antoine and Jesse come from the same generational oppressed neighborhoods they have persevered through and are now giving back to.
We knew the value and importance of having a community that knows what it means when it's said; "it takes a village to raise a child" -African Proverb.
We have both done intense research over the years in our efforts to understand what it takes to even the scores for families like ours and came to the conclusion of our programs; physical & mental health, created by its' people, for its' people.
Our efforts have helped some families so far but not nearly enough to make real progressive changes within our communities, but we are on the path to making it happen with your help and support!
Your support will allow the union of We Got Next Sports, Inc. & TrueNorth Compass, Inc. to: