Jen Sale
202 Sixth Avenue New York, NY 10013
We're currently fundraising for our 2023 goal. Come join us: ioby.org/project/annual-fund-father-fagan-park!
Father Fagan Park is a centerpiece of our neighborhood. We all want it to continue to look great. Won’t you help make that happen?
We are seeking $32,000 to:
--Continue to retain The Horticultural Society of New York to plant and maintain the park.
--Plant new annuals to flower throughout the summer.
--Plant new perennials to flower annually.
--Continue to plant seasonal flowers in the planters that hang from the park fence.
--Continue to plant the tree pits along Sixth Avenue.
--Decorate the park festively for the winter holiday season, including the park’s annual holiday tree with lights.
--Winterize the park in the late fall, including pruning shrubs as necessary.
We have a wonderful team of community volunteers who water the park and remove litter. We always welcome new volunteers.
But it takes money to buy flowers and gardening supplies and to retain the gardening professionals at The Horticultural Society. We hope you will join with others in contributing to this year’s fundraising drive. Your support is greatly needed.
Thank you.