The McLemore Rembert Block Club will be organized to promote unity among neighbors, improve the quality of life in the neighborhood, foster revitalization and improve the community’s economic viability.
Kendall Munson
Intersection McLemore and Rembert 38114 Memphis, TN 38114
There is currently no established community organization in the neighborhood. In addition, there is an absence of community leadership. There are a number of uninhabited and abandoned homes as well as a number of vacant lots. Our goal is to organize the community by forming a block club. Through the formation a block club we hope to develop a spirit of cooperation and social interaction amongst residents. Our projects will include (but not limited to); community beautification through flower and shrubbery planting, community gardening, neighborhood clean ups and community based social events. Through collective action, sharing information and raising awareness among neighbors we will also help improve the safety of block. MINC is a grassroots nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Our office is located at 1996 E. McLemore. We will serve as a resource and mentor for the appointed leadership in the community by providing mentoring to elected community leadership as well as access to meeting space. It is our desire to create an organization that will foster and promote revitalization of the community as well as improve the community’s economic viability.
May 24-30 Door-to-door awareness campaign; put out yard signs and hang banners Saturday, June 6 Host Block Party
The McLemore Rembert Block Club is being organized to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood. There are many neglected neighborhoods in the city of Memphis that can benefit greatly from small, concentrated grassroots efforts. By taking a street by street approach to issues such as abandoned properties, overgrown vacant lots and alleys being used as dumping grounds we can do our part in making all of Memphis a beautiful, more livable city