Let the water flow so the gardens can grow!
Myrtle Village Green (MVG) has been required to install a backflow preventer on our water source by the city. With the help of the community, we aim to raise funds to hire a plumber, purchase materials, and file the installation with the city to turn our water back on.
MVG is a space that many in our neighborhoods have worked for years, and some for nearly a decade to make into a true community space, which has come to be anchored around garden plots and green space. Free flowing water back to MVG will ensure another spring, summer, and autumn of community!
Bedford-Stuyvesant and South Williamsburg sorely lack community-accessible green space.
MVG serves as a community gathering space, reprieve from the constant concrete and asphalt environment surrounding the community, and a source of fresh produce in the community through both privately and community maintained garden beds, including learning beds for local public school students, as well as a small scale farming operation.