The South Amherst Historical Society has taken on the restoration of the oldest cemetery in the village, due to its deterioration and potential loss of history.
Rosemary Leshinski
218 South Lake Street South Amherst, OH 44001
Impact areas
In the fall of 2020 after a visit to the oldest cemetery in the village of South Amherst, it became evident of the need for this restoration project for our community. The removal of the overgrowth toward the back of the cemetery began the project, where several gravestones and a family plot were found buried amongst the brush. The South Amherst Historical Society hosted an event in spring of 2021 to teach volunteers the correct way to clean the gravestones. Another event was sponsored in the fall of 2021, with a focus on the correct way to re-set gravestones. In the spring of 2022, the society hired Gravestone Restoration Services to repair and re-set twelve gravestones. There are approximately 154 known internments in the cemetery. This project is set to be a five-year project. Approximately one-third of the graves stones in the cemetery have been cleaned and re-set.
1. Continued restoration of Pioneer Cemetery is our goal with as many repairs that can be done through donations and fundraising.
2. Many more gravestones need repair and re-set. Landscaping will be scheduled to keep trees from falling on gravestones. Fencing will be sent out for cleaning and re-installed.
3. Members of the society will continue to meet to clean and assist with repairs.
4. Recording of internments is also a focus of the society, as there have been no records found.
The vision of The Historical Society shall be to act as a historical and educational society, to obtain, preserve and perpetuate the history of the Village of South Amherst, Ohio. The monument of Jonas and Lucy Stratton stands inside a family plot. They are the parents of Henry who was co-founder to the Bryant and Stratton Business College. Eliphalet Redington's broken gravestone was also found. Captain Redington came to the township in 1818, he was instrumental in bringing industry, commerce, education, legal and government offices to the new land. He was an educated man and lawyer.
Not only is preserving the history of this cemetery important but it's physical appearance is a reflection of our village.