Improving the health of residents, good food is natural medicine.
Robert_Ennis Jackson
255 Bainbridge Street, 1floor New York, NY 11233
So many friendly people in New York City are struggling with hunger and poverty. Your donations improve the conditions of families and individuals. New York City's population is diverse, and there are over 200 languages spoken in New York City; at the Brooklyn Rescue Mission Food Justice program, we serve a diverse population of community residents. This week, I heard English, Chinese, Spanish, French, African, and Indian. All the people were polite and respectful toward each other.
Brooklyn Rescue Mission serves close to 1000 families a month and about. 9800 meals.
This week at the night pantry, Brooklyn Rescue Mission has opened for guest food guests who cannot make it to the day pantry. A grandmother and grandfather came to receive food for their family of eight; their daughter was fighting cancer and was a nurse who lives with her parents and her three young children. Healthy fresh food provided to community residents improves the health of community residents. Our food bank partners shared the following information with us.
Healthy foods can be remarkable medical cures for many health problems. Feeding a community healthy foods lowers community health problems.
Benefits of good nutrition
Adults impacted by inadequate nutrition can suffer illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as adverse effects on their overall health. Chronic hunger problems can affect a child's physical and mental health and ability to learn in school.
Thank you for your donations, Rev. Robert Ennis Jackson, Brooklyn Rescue Mission Urban Harvest Center
Brooklyn Rescue Mission Urban Harvest Center, as a Food Justice organization, staff and volunteers are very excited it will be providing pantry appointments for families 3 days a week in November and parts of December to serve over 1000 families a month with food support and help them get healthy vegetables and fruits, and meats and dried, etc.
In November, Brooklyn Rescue Mission will serve 12 pantry days. And 2 nights of pantries for community residents. And December 8 pantry days to neighbors fighting hunger in the holidays.
Brooklyn Rescue Mission is a Food Justice Organization that has helped to provide healthy foods to families and individuals to improve Community Health for residents across Brooklyn since 2003. The organization has mentored over 840 youth and young adults qw food Justice leaders.
Food InsecurityAccording to the NYC Mayor's Office of Food Policy annual 2022 Food Metrics Annual Report, an estimated 1.2 million (14.6%) New York City residents were food insecure. Brooklyn, New York, has over 15.5%, of its residents fighting hunger and food insecurity. Brooklyn rescue to Mission has helped provide groceries to families for the last twenty years and has provided over 3 million meals.
Brooklyn Rescue Mission also organized an Urban farm and has grown fresh food for the community for over 18 years.