Portraits of Military figures of Lorain County: an effort to capture a small visual collection for a memorial salute to Military Veterans of our day
jeffery Pye
1922 Hamilton Ave. Lorain, OH 44052
This initiative is attempted to honor and salute by visual portraits those who served in the armed services and are natives of Lorain County. The main objective is to create a body of work with the theme of military portraits of men and women to parade throughout the community to various events such as Veterans Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, etc. The name of the display will be called 'Start W/ Service' under the James F. Pye Community Art Exhibit.
The project will accomplish community awareness of those who patriotically service and sacrifice their time or lives for our country. the idea will have a healing effect on family members and bring a stronger sense of appreciation and connection in the community. I realize that had it not been for those who made these sacrifices then , that today I may not be able to enjoy the ability to think about how to make a difference in this medium. Looking across the world at so much armed aggression and oppression especially in Sudan Africa and Ukraine and other places ,this bring me to the reality that being so blessed ,lucky, privileged or what have you, to never forget and appreciate a where I am today. yes these these sacrifices have allowed me to enjoy the finer things in life.
So I conclude never to take life for granted and view each fellow man with respect and honor and relief. Through visual portrait painting our youth will began to understand importance of caring out side of themselves and may decide to make a career in the government arm services. this body of work will have a lasting effect on our conscious because the extreme boundary of security and mortality. The greatest endeavor is to promote pride and unity in the community as a whole through the connection of standing together for mankind to have peace and tranquility while protecting one another. This is a role model template for our young to look forward to build leadership through duty and sincere honor.
The Start W/Service Project will consist of 5 selected Artists: each artist will team up with a team young artists as a mentor to guide them through the painting process.
The selected Arts will be compensated $200 per 4-5 portraits
The Start W/Service Project will research and select families in Lorain County to participate by permission and agreement to have their military relative's picture painted.
This project will also use Lorain Historical society as a buffer resource.
Portraits will be painted on 4x4 ft. plywood. approximately 20-30 portraits
Artists will use acryllic paints as a medium.
The Start W/Service Project will create 20-30 portraits of military service men and women within Lorain county . The Project will lead off with notable service figures such as General Johnnie Wilson, Admiral King, Sergeant Samuel Felton, the Borinqueneers and etc...
Upon completion, the body of work will be displayed at various venues, schools, events, memorials and posts throughout the years.
The Start W/ Service Project serves as a reminder to the community that we stand on the shoulders to those who really cared and through their love for mankind had made the ultimate sacrifice by putting their time and life on the line. This project will help in the healing process to those lost their love ones during conflict. this overall reminds us daily of the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy and not to take for granted because of those who gave their all. Love is sacrificing for someone else so they can be all they can be. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.