La Casa Guadalupana promotes family literacy, adult education, work force prep and tutoring in southwest Detroit and positively impacts the lives of immigrant adults and children.
Lourdes Torres
4329 Central St. Detroit, MI 48210
Our students, families, staff, and volunteers beat the odds against the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic with energy and enthusiasm, and came out of that year stronger and more resilient. Whether you have supported us in the past or are being introduced to us for the first time, we hope you will support our programs and the impressive, deserving community they serve. Their success is our whole society’s success.
Building our tomorrows
Our program is too small to meet criteria for many of the larger grants we seek. We make it work with small grants and individual donations. We need your financial support so that we can continue to help our families overcome the normal problems facing vulnerable communities along with the extraordinary challenges caused by the pandemic.
Students in our program come with an abundant supply of grit, independence, entrepreneurial talent, and sense of community. Often what stands between them and integration into the workforce and meaningful employment, is greater facility with English and a high-school diploma. Help us continue to provide the skills and opportunities to build their tomorrows. When they do better, we ALL do better!