Urban Forest Boardwalks and Bridges
Gil Brandon
3000 University St Memphis, TN 38127
Inspired by Richard Louv's "Last Child in the Woods," New Hope is launching an Urban Forest, a safe and exciting 6-acre wooded area adjacent to our school campus, which will be used by students, families and the community. The trail crosses 2 low areas that needs a clear pathway in order to cross (especially during the wet seasons). Our project, led by the school's Urban Forest Team, will provide boardwalks and bridges on the trail.
Spring 2015 – Develop and design plans for boardwalks and bridges
Summer 2015 – Purchase materials and begin construction
Fall 2015 – Complete construction and install
In an underserved urban area, children often do not get to experience forests and woods. This is due to both lack of forests (or atleast walkable forests) as well as a fear of the unknown due to a lack of a forest experience. We would like to provide a safe and exciting place for our students, families and community to experiece and explore nature.