40 Year History of helping Women Rise above Addiction we will now be Addressing Food Insecurity and Nutritional Issues at Home and in Our Community
Kathleen Oberle
1227 Ansel Road Cleveland, OH 44108
Resting on our 40 year history of helping women rise out of addiction with the wholistic approach, we have embarked on an unprecedented investment in time and resources to provide healthy food choices for our clients, alternative therapeutic avenues supporting our mission including new resources and programming in the area of nutrition and build upon the relationship within our community.
With our 5 year goal in place, we hope to reach the capacity of a full scale organic urban garden for daily fresh produce, fruit and perennial flower growing for our residents to choose from using nearly two acres of land with a large greenhouse for all-season planting. We will be having a volunteer team and have begun a relationship OSU extension and have a tentative starting project collaboration date in 2021!
The urban garden will also be used to alleviate the food desert within our community by having monthly free produce giveaways creating opportunities for better community relationships. Ultimately, this garden will be outfitted with a social enterprise construct still under consideration, a seating area for outside horticultural therapies to take place and a healing garden for reflection and rest.
Each step of the way, the clients themselves will be fulfilling the mission either through the work of their hands at the garden, setting up the stands or helping with the first annual fundraiser for March! Learning about themselves, self-efficacy and how healing working with your hands and mind can be!
Step 1: 9/2019 through 3/2020 - Preparing the Soil and Greenhouse for planting
Step 2: 3/2020 through 6/2020 - Begin classes at OSU Ext. and Spring Planting, ready for fall planting
Step 3: 6/2020 through 12/2021 - Work with Master Gardners, continue planting in Greenhouse
Step 4: 1/2022 through 12/2022 - Gardening all season, OSU Ext. continued collaboration, Community Produce Giveaway, Design and Complete sitting area-volunteer build with client participation
Step 5: 1/2023 through 12/2023 - Continue to work the farm, fruit trees are bearing fruit, Community Produce Giveaway is well underway, beginning to look at a water irrigation system and begin to explore viable social enterprise concepts and OSU Ext. is using our site as their East Side teaching area.
There are 3 reasons for action
First, because proper nutrition and hydration are key to the substance abuse healing process. They help restore physical and mental health and improve the chance of recovery. Macro-and micronutrient deficiencies can lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety, and low energy, all of which can lead someone to start using drugs or alcohol or trigger a relapse. By having an in-house availability to these important nutrients not only do we promote recovery but save on the bottom line as we all understand, costs of fresh produce in quantity can prohibitive. (www.todaysdietician.com/newarchives/120914p44.shtml)
Secondly, Cuyahoga County has the highest number of food-insecure residents in the state of Ohio in 2017 at approximately 233,190 individuals and 57,610 children. Our service area ranks third highest. (http://www.greaterclevelandfoodbank.org/about/hunger-facts) With nearly two acres of proven growing land, we are in a position to do something about this and make a great impact.
Third, the benefits of an urban garden are tremendous and include but not limited to an increase surrounding property values, reduction in environmental hazards, reduce stormwater runoff, promotion of physical activity and an increase in community connections! (www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-09/documents/fs_urban_agriculture.pdgf)