Help us transform the green space in our neighborhood into a place where neighbors can gather and continue to build community.
Wesley Bates
S Beebalm Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72701
We want to promote more interactions between our neighbors, so we're developing a community green space.
Willow Bend was created to bring neighbors together and to shift the paradigm about housing in Northwest Arkansas. The neighborhood was designed to promote walkability, community, and a sense of place. In the master plan, there was a plan to develop the central green space into a place for neighbors to gather and enjoy nature. As the neighborhood is built to promote infill and density, it is important to protect the green spaces and shared community spaces.
We will use the money raised to build a community gathering place, remove dead trees, and to clear the area of invasive species. This will allow for a more productive use of the space.
Clear dead trees - done
Remove invasive species - done
Build pavilion and walkways
We want to promote more interactions between neighbors and with nature. By developing this green space, we hope to not only develop the character of the neighborhood but to also promote the local ecosystem by removing the invasive species. By taking these actions now, it should be easier to maintain the space in the future and allow for future residents to enjoy the space.