The "You and I are Love" project will bring talented artists of all facets under one roof. We will create and offer a venue for artists to network, showcase & sell their art at no cost to them.
Justin Hamel
337 SW 8th St Miami Miami, FL 33130
The "You and I are Love" project will bring talented, local artists of all facets under one roof--street artists, photographers, musicians, visual artists, live on-stage art and dancers. The purpose of this event is to create and offer a venue for local artists to network within the art community and showcase their art to the local Miami scene. The artist will be given a space to put up their art work at this event, to showcase and to sell—100% of proceeds go to the artist. We have a limited amount of space available therefore we will only be able to select a few artists for this event.
Over 30 artists have submitted their work for review to be selected for this event, also 3 local bands have been booked to perform after the gallery showing. We are building free standing walls for artists to hang their work, making the space suitable for a gallery showing. Proposals for sponsorships have been written and handed to several corporations. Promoting on all social media-facebook, instagram, twitter and at local events.
We want to create the space and time for our talented, local artists to showcase and sell their art at no cost to them. This event will give the artists the opportunity to network and come together within the community once a month. This is an opportunity that artists do not get because all galleries charge rent fees for wall space and then take a percentage cut off the art sales. Most artists can't showcase their work because of lack of funds to do so. Holding this monthly event will allow all artists the opportunity to have a free space for one night a month to showcase and sell their work at no cost and 100% of art sales goes to the artists. This is not only an event we are creating, it's a movement, a community. This is our way of supporting the arts and giving back to our community.