project leader
Sashti B
Halsey St
(Bed-Stuy )
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the project

We look to create a social learning platform of hands-on activities and lessons to build stronger resilient communities across New York connecting themes of Healthy Food, Healthy Soil, and Healthy Communities. We plan to provide hands-on training, offer workshops from professionals, and deliver in-person lessons for community members to strengthen food quality and enhance soil health through a lens of environmental education. Key partners in this development include WeRadiate, Wakoma, and Firsthand Learning

the steps

- Create hands-on course curriculum with engaging lessons & activities

- Locate and onboard community gardens and community compost sites for on-site student engagement 

- Promote the opportunity for New Yorkers to participate in this eLearning platform 

- Set-up website, educational content, and resources for this initial cohort 

- Run 4 week program for this pilot cohort and receive feedback to improve future course cohorts

why we're doing it

We believe Good Soil makes healthy plants I Good soil makes strong communities I Good soil makes our city ecologically strong

These interconnections are from the ground up and we look forward to engaging our community and communities across New York with hands-on guidance and support for ecological restoration and community health. We can all benefit from improving soil health as, Together We Radiate!


Final budget


$1,500 - Create hands-on course curriculum with engaging lessons & activities

$500 - Promote the opportunity for New Yorkers to participate in this eLearning platform 

$1,137.56 - Set-up website, educational content, and resources for this initial cohort 

$1,000 - Run 4 - 6 week program for this pilot cohort and receive feedback to improve future course cohorts

TOTAL RAISED = $4,222.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%) N/A
ioby Donation Processing Fee (4%) $84.44

Original budget

- Create hands-on course curriculum with engaging lessons & activities

- Locate and onboard community gardens and community compost sites for on-site student engagement 

- Promote the opportunity for New Yorkers to participate in this eLearning platform 

- Set-up website, educational content, and resources for this initial cohort 

- Run 4 - 6 week program for this pilot cohort and receive feedback to improve future course cohorts


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $123.47
TOTAL TO RAISE $6,173.47
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.  



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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Noemi F.
  • Vivake P.
  • Anonymous
  • Soily McCompostface
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous