project leader
Brenda G
Cooper St
(Northern Manhattan & the Bronx)
latest update rss
Matching funds have ended; donations still welcome!

the project

Finca Seremos is a new food justice project in the Hudson Valley founded by longtime uptown organizers Brenda and Chris. Come grow with us!

Finca Seremos will grow nutrient-dense, organic vegetables, fruit, and poultry products in Beacon, NY primarily for farm share (CSA) subscribers in Northern Manhattan and the Bronx with a wide range of household incomes—including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients—who value fresh, local, and culturally-appropriate food.

The name Finca Seremos means “We-will-be Farms” in Spanish. It comes from the closing line of “Love Sonnet LXIX” by Pablo Neruda, a nod to the love Brenda and Chris have for each other and their family, for stewarding the land, and for their communities in Inwood, Washington Heights, and the Bronx. The poem’s final line—“And through love I will be, you will be, we will be”—also frames the deep understanding of interdependency and mutual aid at the heart of Finca Seremos’ approach to farming. We seek to bend our arc toward justice in three key components of our farm operation: ecological stewardship, building community, and cooperative labor.

Ecological stewardship prioritizes the health of our ecosystem above annual yields—over time, a balanced ecosystem will be more productive for us humans and our non-human kin. Stewardship starts with listening to the land through putting a small portion into diversified vegetable production while cover cropping much of the remainder to see what works best. It also involves baseline ecological observations to have a framework for evaluating our impact. As production expands, we’ll scale up a low- to no-tillage, lightly mechanized, diversified vegetable and perennial cultivation on 4+ acres using a rotational system tailored to the land whose principles are laid out in the land-use plan below, along with a pastured poultry operation on ~1.5 acres focused on laying hens and meat birds. By going beyond requirements for organic certification under the National Organic Program, Finca Seremos aims to boost the strength and resilience of the ecosystem by increasing soil health and diversity of species at all trophic levels while providing food for our communities.

Building community, upstate and uptown, is the second priority in the vision of Finca Seremos. We aim to organize through food. Complementing the many organizing models that respond to emergency and crisis, our work will slowly build the kinds of deep relationships that only food can cultivate. This work will begin over conversations at CSA pickups, building relationships with our customers, trading recipes and resources for housing, education, healthcare, and labor concerns. We’ve cultivated broad networks of support and social services across all these areas through our previous work in government and education that we can leverage to help our community solve everyday problems starting at CSA pickup.

We are also creating a non-profit arm with a focus on education, taking inspiration from practical, justice-oriented training programs like Farm School NYC and Soul Fire Farms. Finca Seremos will partner with local high schools where we have strong relationships to offer internships for our majority Black and Brown neighborhood youth to experience farming outside the stigmas that agricultural work carries for many of their families. In this way, we’ll provide a chance for students with farming in their family’s past to reconnect with ancestral knowledge, creating a much-needed pipeline for farmers of color to skill up, get on land, and feed our people.

Cooperative labor is the final piece of Finca Seremos’ vision, implemented by creating a worker-owned cooperative. As long-term residents of a low- and middle-income housing coop, customers of several commercial coops, and people from cultures of cooperation and mutual aid in Appalachia, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, we understand how cooperative principles form a solid bedrock for ethical, sustainable decision-making in workplaces. Inspired by Soul Fire and Rock Steady Farms, our coop will delegate power and responsibilities to different levels of the governance structure so that we can maximize worker dignity and input, as well as financial stability. This cooperative structure is essential to the vision for Finca Seremos because it bakes sustainability into the organization at the outset by ensuring interdependence of cooperators so that no one person becomes irreplaceable when knowledge and responsibilities are shared.

the steps

January 2024 - hold first community work day to build season-extending high tunnel

February - build wash-pack facility, acquire walk-behind tractor and implements, begin sowing seeds for transplanting

March - start more seeds, begin working the land after last frost to make raised beds

April - start transplanting seedlings, cultivate, continue starting seeds, host community work day

May - first CSA delivery for 40 families!, get additional plants in the ground, host farm tour

June–October - harvest, cultivate, transplant, and coordinate weekly produce deliveries to our community (hopefully with some cooking demos!), continue hosting farm tours and community work days

November - pull plants and put the land to rest with cover crops for the winter, preserve produce for our community to access through the winter

why we're doing it

Plain and simple, we're going into land stewardship for the love. Love for each other, for our communities, and for this earth.

We want to keep organizing in Northern Manhattan and the Bronx by building a project that nourishes our spirits and our bodies. For a long time, we've both worked in harm reduction spaces where we're fighting off one crisis after another, defending our people as best we can. That work is important and valuable, but it can also be draining. Finca Seremos is what we're building to refill our cups and the cups of our community. We believe the relationships we form through Finca Seremos will be the basis for all sorts of other transformational change we need to see in our neighborhoods to get us closer to the collective liberation we dream of.

From a specifically food justice perspective, in conversation with over a dozen community partners, Finca Seremos has identified several gaps in the local food infrastructure that we’ll help fill:

First, and most simply, the majority of residents in Northern Manhattan and the Bronx do not regularly have access to locally- or organically-grown food that provides nutrients essential for good health. At the same time, residents in these ZIP codes face very high rates of chronic disease like asthma, diabetes, and heart disease because of decades of racist disinvestment in public health and community infrastructure. Finca Seremos addresses this food injustice by scaling up to provide 200+ shares of produce during the main growing season, along with a smaller winter share program.

Language and cultural barriers present another gap that gets in the way of Latine communities’ access to fresh, local produce. In particular, the growing Mexican population of Northern Manhattan and the Bronx, especially from the southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas, often has difficulty finding traditional produce. Dominicans and Puerto Ricans, who represent a plurality in these neighborhoods, rely on tree and root crops (víveres, in Spanish) and herbs imported from abroad that have often lost much of their nutritious value in transit.

When it comes to locally-grown produce, many SNAP recipients have a hard time finding vendors who will accept EBT credit. Finca Seremos aims to  build SNAP access into the CSA program from the beginning and market specifically to SNAP recipients who otherwise might not have access to locally-grown and nutrient-dense produce.


Final budget


Seeds and planting supplies - $2000

Compost - $1000

BCS walk-behind tractor and implements - $7000

Irrigation materials - $1000

Hand tools - $626.60

Used totes and bins - $600

TOTAL RAISED = $13,714.00
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (8%) $1,097.12
ioby Donation Processing Fee (4%) $390.28

Original budget


Seeds and planting supplies - $1000

Compost - $1000

Season-extending high tunnel - $3500

Used BCS walk-behind tractor and implements - $5500

Irrigation materials -  $1000

Hand tools - $400

Used totes and bins - $600

Cold storage - $2000


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee 8% $1,343.28
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $447.72
TOTAL TO RAISE $16,790.99


Seeds and planting supplies - $1000

Season-extending high tunnel - $1500

Used BCS walk-behind tractor and implements - $5500

Irrigation materials -  $1000

Hand tools - $400

Used totes and bins - $600

ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee 8% $888.89
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $222.22
TOTAL TO RAISE $11,111.11
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.


Matching funds have ended; donations still welcome!

Hi everybody, thanks to ALL our soft-launch donors who set us up for success on this campaign! We reached 60% of our goal before we even went public.

Unfortunately, the New York Health Foundation match has run out of money just shy of our max $5k match amount.

Nevertheless, we're still fundraising toward our goal! Every little bit counts, and we're so grateful to our beloved community for supporting this new food justice project.


Brenda & Chris


This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Anonymous
  • sas
  • LK
  • Secret Admirer
  • Logan B.
  • Gabrielle S.
  • Amalya S.
  • Hania L.
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Scott D.
  • Amara U.
  • Michael B.
  • Valerie T
  • Rachel S.
  • Jennifer C.
  • Shawna E.
  • Garnet H.
  • Shawn L.
  • Anonymous
  • Shruti R.
  • Ashley S.
  • Kameron S.
  • Colin E.
  • Yael
  • Anonymous
  • Gretchen M.
  • Anonymous
  • Katie & Monica
  • Cliff & Bernadette
  • Jessica T.
  • Danielle B.
  • Madeline R.
  • A N L.
  • Anonymous
  • Eman F.
  • Gabriel Y.
  • Paul E.
  • Gawain D.
  • Cheryl P.
  • Jack H.
  • Rockland Farm Alliance
  • Iris A.
  • PAUL S.
  • Anne-Laure W.
  • Ziad D.
  • Anonymous
  • Ana R.
  • Catalyst Collaborative Farm
  • Chiara and Mike
  • Mimi M.
  • Mark & Kristine Pottinger
  • Ash B-R
  • Grace O.
  • Jacob N.
  • Jane Ellen N.
  • Michael and Barbara
  • Michele Taubenblat
  • For Julia Quantz
  • Dorca R.
  • Anonymous
  • Julia Q.
  • Karen & Van Nickell
  • Graham C.
  • Tiffany L.
  • Paloma L.
  • Avi G.