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Kuturie R
505 Eighth Avenue
(New York State)
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the project


In today's rapidly evolving landscape, the significance of environmental stewardship, justice, and agricultural education is increasingly crucial. Black Farmers United-New York State (BFU-NYS) initiative, "Green Futures: Cultivating a Sustainable Future," stems from a profound conviction in the transformative power of education and community involvement. This project aims to cultivate a more sustainable, equitable, and environmentally aware society, leveraging the unique insights and contributions of BFU-NYS to enrich and guide our efforts.

Our Vision

At the heart of "Green Futures" lies a vision to create a community where individuals are not only aware of environmental issues but are also empowered to take meaningful action. We envision a world where justice in environmental policies is not just an ideal, but a reality, and where knowledge about sustainable agriculture is widespread, shaping how communities interact with the land and their food sources.

The Journey Begins

Our journey began with a simple observation: communities, especially in urban areas, are often disconnected from the natural environment and lack access to agricultural education. This disconnect has profound implications, not just for the environment, but for social justice and community well-being. We saw an opportunity to bridge this gap, to bring the environment and people closer together.

Our Goals

Through "Green Futures," we aim to:

  • Educate individuals, especially youth, about environmental stewardship and sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Foster a sense of justice and equity in environmental policies and practices.
  • Build community gardens as a practical tool for education and to strengthen community bonds.
  • Develop a network of informed citizens who advocate for sustainable environmental practices.

Why It Matters to Us

This project is more than just an initiative; it's a reflection of our core values. We believe that by nurturing a connection with the environment, we can cultivate a generation of responsible, informed, and proactive citizens. We are passionate about making a tangible impact on the ground, changing lives through education, and fostering a sense of justice and stewardship in our community.

Environmental challenges are global, but the solutions start at the local level. Through "Green Futures," we are not just planting seeds in the soil; we are planting seeds of change in minds and hearts. Every garden we build, every workshop we conduct, and every life we touch brings us a step closer to a sustainable and just world. This is why this project is so important to us; it's a step towards a future where humans and nature exist in harmony.

the steps

Once the funding for "Green Futures: Cultivating a Sustainable Future" is secured, it's crucial to proceed with a clear and structured plan to ensure the effective and efficient use of resources. Here are the next steps to be taken:

  1. Finalize Project Plan and Budget

    • Review and finalize the detailed project plan, ensuring alignment with the objectives and the budget.
    • Establish clear timelines and milestones for each aspect of the project.
  2. Team Formation and Assigning Roles

    • Assemble a dedicated project team, including educators, environmental experts, and community organizers.
    • Assign roles and responsibilities, ensuring each team member understands their part in the project’s success.
  3. Partnership Development

    • Establish partnerships with local schools, community organizations, and environmental groups to enhance the project's reach and impact.
    • Explore potential collaborations with local government bodies for support and endorsement.
  4. Launch Educational Materials Development

    • Start the development of educational materials and resources, tailored to various age groups and learning styles.
    • Incorporate interactive and engaging content to maximize learning outcomes.
  5. Organize Workshops and Seminars

    • Plan and schedule a series of workshops and seminars on environmental stewardship, justice, and sustainable agriculture.
    • Secure guest speakers and experts for these events.
  6. Community Garden Establishment

    • Identify and secure suitable locations for community gardens.
    • Procure necessary materials like gardening tools, seeds, and plants, and begin the garden setup.
  7. Scholarship Program Implementation

    • Develop criteria and application processes for educational grants and scholarships.
    • Promote the scholarship program to target audiences.
  8. Marketing and Awareness Campaign

    • Launch a comprehensive marketing and awareness campaign to promote the project and its activities.
    • Utilize social media, local media, and community events to spread the word.
  9. Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Setup

    • Implement systems to monitor the progress of the project and evaluate its impact.
    • Regularly review objectives and adjust strategies as needed to ensure the project stays on track.
  10. Community Engagement and Feedback

    • Engage with the community continuously to gather feedback and insights.
    • Incorporate community input into the project to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

why we're doing it

At the core of "Green Futures: Cultivating a Sustainable Future" lies a profound commitment to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of our natural environment, advocating for environmental justice, and promoting sustainable agricultural education. We embark on this journey driven by the urgent need to address the growing disconnect between communities and their natural surroundings, and the critical challenges facing our planet.

Educating for a Greener Tomorrow

We believe that education is the most powerful tool in shaping a sustainable future. By providing comprehensive and engaging learning opportunities, we aim to instill a sense of responsibility and passion for environmental stewardship in individuals of all ages. Our goal is to empower people with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and take actionable steps towards a greener, more sustainable world.

Advocating for Environmental Justice

Environmental justice is at the heart of our mission. We strive to create a world where the benefits of a healthy environment are accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic status, race, or background. This project seeks to highlight and address the inequalities in environmental policies and practices, fostering a more equitable and just approach to environmental stewardship.

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

Agriculture is a vital part of our lives, yet its impact on the environment is often overlooked. Through this project, we aim to educate communities about sustainable agricultural practices, encouraging a shift towards methods that are not only productive but also environmentally friendly and socially responsible. We believe that sustainable agriculture is key to addressing food security, health, and environmental conservation.

Building Community and Fostering Connection

"Green Futures" is more than just an environmental initiative; it is a movement to build stronger, more connected communities. By involving local communities in our projects, such as community gardens, workshops, and seminars, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and collective responsibility towards our planet.

Our Commitment to the Future

In undertaking this project, we are not just planting seeds in the soil; we are sowing the seeds of change for future generations. Our commitment is to leave a legacy of a healthier, more just, and sustainable world. We are driven by the belief that together, through education, advocacy, and action, we can make a significant impact on the world we live in and ensure a thriving planet for generations to come.

"Green Futures: Cultivating a Sustainable Future" is our pledge to make a difference, one step at a time, in the journey towards a more sustainable and just world.


  1. Educational Materials and Resources - $2,500

    • Purchase of books, online resources, and educational kits focused on environmental stewardship, sustainable agriculture, and social justice.
    • Development of curriculum materials tailored to different age groups and learning levels.
  2. Workshop and Seminar Organization - $2,000

    • Hosting guest speakers and experts in fields related to environmental science, sustainable agriculture, and justice.
    • Venue rental, audio-visual equipment, and logistical support for in-person or virtual events.
  3. Community Garden Development - $2,000

    • Establishment or enhancement of community gardens as practical learning sites.
    • Purchase of gardening tools, seeds, plants, and sustainable irrigation systems.
  4. Scholarships and Educational Grants - $1,500

    • Providing financial support to individuals or groups who wish to pursue further education or projects related to environmental stewardship and agriculture.
  5. Outreach and Awareness Campaigns - $1,000

    • Development and distribution of promotional materials (brochures, posters, online content).
    • Organizing community awareness events and outreach programs in schools and local communities.
  6. Administrative and Operational Expenses - $1,000

    • Basic administrative costs including website maintenance, communication tools, and office supplies.
    • Miscellaneous expenses that may arise during the implementation of various programs.

This budget aims to cover a balanced mix of educational, practical, and community-oriented activities that will foster knowledge, skills, and awareness in environmental stewardship, justice, and agriculture education. Each category is allocated funds considering the impact and resources needed for successful implementation.


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4% $416.67
TOTAL TO RAISE $10,416.67
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.  



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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Rhonda Todd
  • erica f.
  • Channing Hill
  • Anonymous
  • Robert S.
  • Meeka J.
  • Olivia K.
  • Anonymous
  • Keith W.
  • Debra W.
  • Onika A.
  • Darian W.
  • Christine H.
  • Lamont C.
  • Catalyst Collaborative Farm