project leader
Dave M
150-24 115th St
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the project

Our goal is to be able to, either in part or fully, pay for nutritious, essential grocery list items(Grocery List Aid) for individuals/families affected by COVID-19. This will be for the month, to tide them over, until a more permanent source of income can be found.

We know a stimulus check can only do so much, so every little bit counts. This is by no means a long term solution, and we do rely heavily on donations from people who are in a better situation. 


the steps

How it works

If someone in the New York area has been terminated or had to close their “non-essential” business, and need help buying groceries (food items only), they fill out an application online with their grocery list (essential items).

They will be contacted with the next steps. Once approved, a confirmation e-mail will be sent, and the items on the grocery list will be purchased. Items will be purchased in the order that they are listed, up to $150.

All grocery lists will be displayed on the website, along with the respective receipts. We believe in transparency, and letting the public, see how their money was, and is being spent. Identities of applicants/recipients will not be revealed, nor used for any purpose, other than to verify employment status.


Communities Served

Currently we will begin serving the NY community, on a limited basis, until more funding becomes available. When this happens, we will expand to other communities. If you’re in New York, we encourage you to reach out to us.

Funding and Grocery List Items

We are currently limited to $150 per applicant grocery list, depending on the case, we may be able to do more. Again, as more donations come in, we could expand on this.

Grocery items are limited to essential foods only. List items include but are not limited to: milk, flour, sugar, eggs, fruits/vegetables, bread, and other essential items, as an example. We believe in providing nutritious calorie dense foods as much as possible.

why we're doing it

COVID Grocery List Aid comprises of a group of individuals (engineers, teachers, programmers, analysts, etc.) who have been able to continue working from home, despite the current COVID-19 situation. We care deeply about the people who have lost their jobs, or had to close their businesses, due to being designated as “non-essential”. To us, they are essential, and we would like to help in some small part. 

With your donations, we can help to put food on the tables of those in need. We focus only essential food items, so that there would be enough nutritious food to sustain individuals, as opposed to snacks/desserts. Some people/families just need that little extra help till the end of the week/month, while they look for new jobs or "figure things out."  A little can go a long way! Pleas support our efforts.



Disbursed Budget:


All of the money goes into buying groceries. Delivery expenses were waived by Instacart.
Essential Grocery Items (5 families at approximately $116 each): $ 580

ioby Platform Fee waived
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%) waived
ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%) $18.03

Original Budget:

Most of the money goes into buying groceries, the rest to pay for delivery expenses.

Essential Grocery Items (20 families at $150 each): $ 3000

Delivery Charges and expenses: $500

  Waived Fees
ioby Platform Fee waived
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%) waived
ioby Donation Processing Fee (3%)
(Donation processing fee does not apply to match funding.)
Please note: ioby fees are estimated and will be calculated based on totals at the end of the campaign.  


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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Dave Maharaj
  • Mary R.
  • Jay S.