Calvary believes in making God's love visible in downtown Memphis, so join us to fund emergency help for our neighbors this summer. And right now your donations are doubled!
Christine Todd
102 N. 2nd Street Memphis, TN 38103
We serve 175+ unsheltered neighbors every Sunday morning. We serve a hot breakfast, coffee, and juice. We have volunteers who sort and organize clothing all week to give the necessities away to those in need Sunday mornings. We work with the Community Alliance for the Homeless, Room in the Inn, the Hospitality Hub, the Salvation Army, and more. We give nametags and check in with each neighbor. We are open to everyone, regardless of race, access, or need. Only those who are desperate would come to us at 6 AM on Sunday mornings. With ioby's help, we hope to continue to serve neighbors and help assure their needs are met.
Though we have a generous parish that supports our neighbors in need, reaching out to the community through Facebook will help assure that though our budget has been cut, we will have enough to help those who come with needs.
Volunteers will ask neighbors what needs they have.
Research the least expensive place to purchase items.
Volunteers will sort and organize items.
Then, volunteers will serve each guest with what we have that they need.
We have many generous volunteers who come at dawn every Sunday morning to welcome neighbors who are experiencing homelessness and poverty. With mental illness, addiction, lack of skills, no support system or family, often no healthcare, and no place to sleep, our neighbors are thankful for each gift that lifts their spirits, each smile that shows them God's love, and each person who takes a moment to listen or see them, rather than looking away.