The Sustainable Essex Environmental Discussion series (SEED), is focuseed on creating awareness, and driving household and community change.
Mike Long
33 West Avenue Essex, CT 06426
“SEED” - The Sustainable Essex Environmental Discussion series, is comprised of individual sessions grouped by climate change themes (waste reduction, sustainable management of water resources, etc.).
The overriding goals of the Series are to:
The residents of Essex, CT are overwhelmed with information from a wide range of sources regarding the key causes and impacts of climate change. This has created confusion and anxiety and our community members need more focused information, and a way to ask questions and seek additional information. The SEED Series provides focused information from climate change experts and a forum for discussion with these experts and each other.
The overarching goal of the project is to build awareness of the key drivers of climate change and provide suggestions for how the residents of Essex can take action within their households. These discussions will also provide participants an opportunity to share ideas for how the Town of Essex can respond at a municipal level. Through these discussions, the Sustainable Essex Committee can provide a valuable voice for our residents with municipal government regarding their vision and priorities for community-wide actions to mitigate the effects of climate change and create a more sustainable community.