Back to School: Youth Care Circles

Support Lion's Tooth Project back-to-school healing and art-making care circles to address the impacts of COVID-19 on immigrant, Black, Indigenous, POC, LGBTQI+ students.



NEEDS: $0 of 12,555

Hospitality Pathways

Help us build the bridge between employees and the restaurants that need them.

NEEDS: $0 of 15,516

DMF Youth 2021-2022 Back-to-School Campaign!

DMF Youth is raising funds for our 2021-2022 afterschool programs, serving four Title 1 schools and homeless shelters in NYC. Donate to our campaign and help equip underserved children with the tools they need to thrive!

NEEDS: $0 of 19,350

THE IMPACT WAY - IMPACT Community Boot Camp

An intergenerational group workshop program in under-resourced Black Communities in New York City using IMPACT's proven arts and leadership training techniques in social-emotional learning.

NEEDS: $0 of 15,400

Miles Davis Way Beautification 2022

Since 2016, our volunteers have been beautifying and maintaining the tree beds along West 77th St. between West End Ave.and Riverside Drive, aka Miles Davis Way, bringing joy to passersby and building community.

NEEDS: $0 of 4,450

Invisible Hands Deliver

Join Invisible Hands in making sure no one in our community is left alone, unable to access the food and resources they need to survive.

NEEDS: $0 of 10,194 + Volunteers

EVLoves Resiliency

Celebrating NYC resiliency through a global pandemic

NEEDS: $0 of 33,200

Sixth Street COVID Relief Fund

Sixth Street Community Center is raising funds to continue our emergency food distribution which is essential for combatting food insecurity and supporting our community members in this moment of crisis.  

NEEDS: $0 of 30,457 + Volunteers

COVID Mental Health Relief

Providing Immediate, Effective Mental Health Services to Underserved Children, Families, and Young Adults in Need During COVID.

NEEDS: $170 of 30,457
17 Trees, To Be Precise, Illustration by Juliette Borda

17 Trees, To Be Precise (PART ONE)

A children's book about street tree stewardship, inspired by a true NYC event. The book offers a starting point to speak with kids about the value of community engagement - starting with YOU!

NEEDS: $0 of 7,039 + Volunteers

Summer Performance Series

Broadway talent will be bustin'out all over during the West 132nd Street Community Garden Summer Performance Series!



NEEDS: $0 of 6,720 + Volunteers

Summer in the Square

Outdoor music events for the whole community all summer long in Stuyvesant Square Park!

NEEDS: $0 of 1,720 + Volunteers

EarthWeek at PS3

PS3 students, staff and families are friends of the earth.

NEEDS: $1,067 of 1,067

Father Fagan Park 2021 Flower Fund

When public parks thrive, neighborhoods thrive. FFP needs the community's support to remain a green, clean, and flowering oasis for residents and visitors to enjoy.  

NEEDS: $0 of 15,495 + Volunteers

Guggenheim Mutual Aid Fund

A fund meant to provide much-needed financial assistance to employees of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York who have been negatively impacted as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

NEEDS: $0 of 20,619
Site of native woodland garden.

Native Garden for J. Hood Wright Park

We are fundraising to purchase native plants for a new garden.  

The park is located in upper Manhattan's Washington Heights neighborhood from W173rd to W176th Streets.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,191 + Volunteers
Uptown Community Cooperative's Logo

Support Uptown Community Cooperative!

The mission of UCC is to facilitate access to creativity and health services, provide jobs and opportunities, and support grassroots organizations, with a focus on the Harlem and Washington Heights area.

NEEDS: $20,009 of 20,619 + Volunteers
Naomi, one of our volunteer chefs at the project


Pandemic non-profit to feed NYers hardest hit by COVID. Prepared 72,000+ healthy meals & pantry bags so far.

NEEDS: $0 of 24,704
PVCG Members

East Harlem Double Composting HOTBOX System

We have experienced an increase in food scrap drop off since the pandemic.  We need a new system to handle this amount of processing . The dual hotbox bin system will provide us the relief our volunteers need. 

NEEDS: $0 of 4,096 + Volunteers

DMF Youth End-of-Year Campaign

Help fund DMF Youth's dance and life-skill development afterschool program in the New Year! Your donation will support our virtual programs and a new partnership with a school in East Harlem! 

NEEDS: $0 of 5,117 + Volunteers

COVID Mental Health Relief

Providing Immediate, Effective Mental Health Services to Underserved Children, Families, and Young Adults in Need During COVID.

NEEDS: $0 of 17,845
ISS Students

Read It Forward

Untold Story of Public School Students Impacted by COVID-19. Support Chinatown small businesses and help curb the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our community’s children.

NEEDS: $0 of 16,244
Help Float Our Boats!

Help Float Our Boats!

Adopt a seat in one of our boats! With your help, Harlem River Community Rowing can keep offering accessible rowing next season!

NEEDS: $0 of 7,500
Street View of Garden/ Proposed lighting area

West 132nd St. Garden

Help us take the garden to the next level. We plan to install lighting and greatly renovate the lawn by installing an underground drainage system.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,473 + Volunteers

IMPACT Youth Town Hall

We are inviting Harlem Youth to a place at the table, to voice and share their concerns, receive historical grounding, and listen and speak to leaders of the social justice movement. 

NEEDS: $0 of 16,244
Work In Progress

Save Our English Elm Trees

Stuyvesant Square Park is lucky to have two heritage English elms that are well over 100 years old. The trees are in need of attention by professionals to ensure they remain healthy for all to enjoy. 

NEEDS: $0 of 5,112

Regrow Together in the Harlem Rose Garden

After our garden was flattened by storms in May 2020, we are rebuilding the Harlem Rose Garden as a living honor to the community. In regrowing the garden, we are creating a place for our own regrowth together.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,391

The Plaza of The Wind Offerings

The Windy Plaza: a safe get together place. We educate & catalyze neighborhood collaborations outside & online. What new lifestyles do we ignite for a cascade of betterment? Where do we start? On Ave C.

NEEDS: $0 of 6,768 + Volunteers
Planting Day

Leave It Better Online

Leaving NYC Students Better Equipped to Navigate Life during the COVID-19 Crisis

NEEDS: $0 of 18,593

BlackSpace Urbanist Collective

BlackSpace demands a present and future where Black people, Black spaces, and Black culture matter and thrive.

NEEDS: $0 of 167,055
in the garden

Support food justice in Uptown Manhattan!

Help the WHIN Food Council continue its food justice mission and to provide workshops, garden, and distribute free fresh produce to the community. As COVID-19 has decimated our grant funding, we need your support!

NEEDS: $0 of 5,191 + Volunteers

Supporting NYC's Immigrant Students During COVID-19

Glasswing's work with underserved populations in New York City continues to address inequities by focusing on critical areas of support, such as meeting basic needs and access to virtual support networks.

NEEDS: $3,063 of 3,500

kicks Academy Powered By KickNKnowledge 501c

Innovative workforce development program using footwear design to bridge the educational gap within the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math, Media,Entrepreneurship, & Design.

NEEDS: $107,875 of 107,875
