Match challenge details:

Help Neighborhood Connections ignite the power of everyday people to co-create an extraordinary world right where we live! Neighborhood Connections provided match funds for these projects, so every donation you give will be automatically doubled (up to $2,000 per campaign), until the match allocations run out. 

For example:

  • $10 turns into a $20 donation 
  • $40 turns into a $80 donation 

More about this partnership:

Since 2003 Neighborhood Connections has invested over $7.5 million into 2,255 resident-led projects in Cleveland and East Cleveland. Starting last December Neighborhood Connections announced a new partnership with ioby, the nation's premier crowd resourcing platform, to bring Neighbor Up members' community projects to life, outside of the regular Feb/Aug funding cycle!

About this match challenge:

  • Donations to the projects below will be doubled in real-time! For example, if you make a $50 donation, the project will receive $100.
  • Each donation will be matched up to the first $500 of a donation.
  • The progress bar "Raised so far" includes the total amount in donations and matching funds that have been awarded to the project.
  • Diamonds in the Raw

    a diamond is a coal that handles pressure exceptionally well, just like the girls in our program

    NEEDS: $0 of 150
  • Dignity Duffels

    Homelessness is many things, but it doesn't have to be undignified.

    NEEDS: $0 of 2,602
  • Full Spectrum: Collinwood's Incubator

    Full Spectrum: GamerHaven is a membership-based creative space designed to blend coworking, creativity, education, and modern technology. The community can use this space to learn, work, and play, together.

    NEEDS: $0 of 4,820
  • CAAO Youth Innovation Forum

    Students from the Harvard/Lee/Seville, Union Miles, and Central neighborhoods will get the opportunity to qualify for a scholarships and transportation assistance.


    NEEDS: $0 of 300
  • Uplyff Kiswahili Language and Culture for kids

    With this project we plan to teach five classes in three locations through the year.  The budget includes materials for the students, a small stipend for the teachers and an authentic meal for everyone.  

    NEEDS: $0 of 720
  • Rock in the Park

    Come and explore the uniqueness, amenities, history, and culture of Fairfax! 

    NEEDS: $0 of 1,060 + Volunteers
  • ABC Reads at Gateway 105

    helps us give away culturally appropriate books at the farmers market all summer long!

    NEEDS: $0 of 795 + Volunteers
  • "The Xs & Os of Race/ism": A Docu-series


    We wish to explore why complexion is such a hallmark for anger, fear, sociopathology, separation and segregation, and oppression with the goal of alleviating the friction. 

    NEEDS: $0 of 3,319 + Volunteers
  • The Magic of the Shekere

    make and play this West African instrument with a world renowned artist and herstorian

    NEEDS: $0 of 100 + Volunteers
  • Join us at the Collinwood Community Potluck for food, fun and great neighbors in an awesome neighborhood. We are raising funds to put on the event through Please consider a donation and save-the-date for the Potluck on Saturday, July 8th.

    Collinwood Community Potluck

    Donate a dollar and a dish to support this first ever potluck at Euclid Beach Park. Join great neighbors for food, games and live music in an awesome Cleveland neighborhood on Saturday, July 8th from 4-8pm.

    NEEDS: $0 of 1,090 + Volunteers