A Creative Gallery Supporting Independent Detroit artists that will focus on community outreach and artistry showcasing.
Katrina Allen
Midtown/Cass Corridor area Detroit , MI 48033
Through this project, a creative gallery that will be able to give independent artists in Detroit a place to house, showcase and sell their work. The gallery and the team will have a very strong focus on giving back to the community, bringing awareness to mental health in urban communities, providing community outreach resources/events, and giving adults and children opportunities to learn about art and media production.
Once the campaign funding project has been successfully completed:
The building space will be secured
The team will reach out to local artist for residency in the gallery, meet and organize exhibitions for artist(s)
Plan the first community event
Purchase equipment
Reach out and connect local business, health care providers and community effort programs to assist with community and mental health resources
Plan for youth camp program.
Growing up in Detroit, many of us have always loved the city and have always been into art since a child but growing up there were not many places to express interest or gain knowledge in the art or media field in most communities. There are so many talented artist in the Detroit area that do not have the outlet to display their work. Through the gallery we will be a platform for artist to showcase their talent and hard work. We also will bring resources to the community that will benefit the next generation growing up so that children can know there are positive ways of expressing yourself. A youth camp focused on media production will be held for children to gain experience and real-world training in the media and art field. The team will cultivate and create ideas and programs to assist with exposing art and media production to urban communities. A community steps in when someone needs help and that's what we plan to do: help with community education, mental health awareness events in the Detroit area for people to know how to get assistance and treatment options.