A New Way To Life through Christ to recover from the consequences of a lifetime of poor choices.
Fredric Preston
Virtual Villa Rica Blvd. Villa Rica, GA 30180
Aorta Ministries is presenting The Caught Up Project to help adults and young adult men learn A New Way To Life through Christ by offering an online 16 week program entitled Walking The 12 Steps With Jesus Christ. According to Christian 12 Step Ministry, Inc., the program "Walking the 12 Steps with Jesus Christ is a Bible-based recovery study very similar to the AA program. The difference between our study and the step study of AA is the teaching about Jesus Christ as our Higher Power, Bible Study, Prayer, Fasting, and Church Fellowship."
This study is organized into four distinct stages:
Stage One: Foundation Stage
Stage Two: Discovery Stage
Stage Three: Healing Stage
Stage Four: Living an Overcoming Life
This study has provided help to over 2,000 individuals and is currently being offered in over 900 correctional facilities world-wide. The Caught Up project will provide this program at no cost to the participants including providing the Study Guides.
The Caught Up Project will be continuing the trend set by Christian 12 Step Ministry, Inc. With new participants continuously requesting this program inside prisons we are seeking to match that same enthusiastic approach to new life outside prison.
The Caught Up Project will offer a projected target of (3) virtual 16 week cycles of its program annually to a maximum of 15 participants each cycle. Each cycle will consist of two or three (one and a half hour) sessions per week on Friday through Sunday depending on what step of the program is being presented.
On completion of the program each participant will be awarded a free copy of The Caught Up book publication which tells my story of how I came to identify and work toward resolving my addictive issues as a result of completing the Walking the 12 Steps With Jesus Christ Program and, in turn, giving back to my community. All proceeds from the book publication will be used to further the project.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in the 12 months ending in May 2020, the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded in a 12-month period, according to recent provisional data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."
Covid-19 isolation puts a heightened feeling of loneliness on recovering addicts and raises the chances of relapse leading to overdose deaths. In response to these circumstances we are passionate about sharing this program to reduce this effect. Virtual connectivity is the key to bringing stability back to an already stressful situation.