The axis of access. NorthStar CLE. Cleveland's local food network hub, and resource directory.
Don Gaddis
Online Cleveland , OH 44105
NorthStar CLE is the revival of cleveland's local food network. It is created to be a hub for all local food businesses, organizations, and programs that create or promote access to healthy foods for each of Cleveland's communities.
This includes farmers markets and groceries, test kitchens, community and market gardens, pantries and soup kitchens, waste management, supplies chain and production, welfare and city services to the poor, etc.
This network will have an advisory committee of the most experienced leaders in the industry. It is a place to discuss policy issues, needs of each specialty, barriers to entry, and collective support.
The other half of the site is a resource directory. The network at work. A homeless person can find the nearest soup kitchen or pantry, a family can find a grocer or farmers market, a senior can find meals on wheels, etc. All of the goods and services of the local food system available to the community will be accessible with the press of a button.
As a kid, I was blessed to have community services to supplement for what our family could not afford. This site is being created for communities that lack access to the most basic healthy foods. Not only will resident learn what resources are available, they will also know what is needed. This gives the network the opportunity to create, to birth, and to expand.
I am a community garden director, former food co-op director, and I am finishing a bachelor's in organizational management. My passion is to give back to the communities that have been divested of the most basic nutritious foods and health information.
1. The site creation will begin immediately, and will be designed by a professional web designer.10/23
2. A social media campaign will begin to invite all local food businesses, organizations and services available to submit their digital information. 11/23
3. Invites to professionals of the local food system will be sent for consideration of a position on the network advisory committee. 10/23
4. Media will be used to help invite businesses and orgs to join the site. 11/23
Access is the primary goal. Connecting residents to resources and creating a robust local food system in our great city is our goal. As food prices soar, and neighborhoods continue to be challenge with lack for grocery stores, and healthy food options, the community will have the opportunity to know what is available and create what is not.