project leader
Michele C
2230 Euclid Ave.
(Cleveland's Central Neighborhood)
latest update rss
School and Community Concerts

the project

Roots of American Music will partner with Trinity Cathedral, a church in Cleveland's Central Neighborhood, to present a public concert, "Songs of Freedom, Hope, and Peace."  This public program will feature BIPOC musicians performing gospel, protest songs, and uplifting anthems from social justice movements in American history.  From this public concert we will develop an educational program for the students at the neighborhood Elementary School to share history through music. Music connects communities and generations through a shared history, validates experiences, and motivates us to learn more about the music and events behind the music.

the steps

  1. Partnership agreement between Trinity Cathedral and Roots of American Music and the neighborhood Elementary School- confirmed
  2. Determine date for the Trinity Cathedral public Concert- confirmed.
  3. Contract with the BIPOC musicians for the Trinity Cathedral Concert- confirmed.
  4. Develop concert audience survey for program evaluation.
  5. Determine music selections for public Concert; translate into an educational program for elementary school students.-confirmed.
  6. Create marketing for public Concert; secure all partner and funder logos, promote event; invite media to Trinity Cathedral Concert- completed.
  7. Invite project donors to concert, and to observe a class at the elementary school. (Please note, the number of outside non-school personnel to observe a class may be limited per school guidelines.) completed.
  8. Document public concert and school program for marketing in our newsletter, website, and on social media.- ongoing
  9. Review public concert and class surveys.
  10. Provide written report to all project donors upon conclusion of the project.




why we're doing it

Roots of American Music brings music to audiences to educate, inspire, and create meaningful connections with all of the humanities.  Our core value is to provide live music by local musicians presenting music education to those residents living in "music deserts."  Historically industrial cities are not walkable communities, yet the neighborhoods that developed retain a strong sense of "neighborhood."  Roots of American Music strives to bring music to senior and supportive residential living communities, neighborhoods, and communities across Northeast Ohio.


Final budget


TOTAL RAISED =$5,035.00ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee (5%)N/Aioby Donation Processing Fee (4%)$101.40TOTAL TO DISBURSE=$4,933.60

Original budget

$1200.00  Artist/ensemble for Trinity Cathedral Concert
$600.00    Marion-Sterling School concert
$1400.00  Concerts and class planning, curriculum development 
$500.00    Marketing
$1000.00  Teaching Artists for Marion-Sterling Elementary School classes
$540.00    Curriculum development for Elementary School classes

ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee N/A    $0.00
ioby Donation Processing Fee 4%    $111.31
TOTAL TO RAISE    $5,351.31
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.    


School and Community Concerts

Thank you to our donors and audiences who supported and participated in our celebration of "Songs of freedom, Hope, and Peace presented by The Sam Hooper Group featuring Angela Winborn, Friday, Feb. 23, 2024.

Angela and Sam performed a concert for the second to fifth grade students at the Marion-Sterling Elementary School in Cleveland.  More than 100 students were attentive and joined in with songs with their own group "percussion."   An audience survey was conducted of the students; results are being compiled and will be added in another update post.

The community concert in collaboration with Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland provided an evening of blues, gospel, and rock music genres celebrating songs of freedom, hope, and peace.  The audience of nearly 100 were on their feet singing along with the musicians.  An audience survey conducted after the concert showed this musical evening made the audience feel excited, thoughtful, their "toes were tapping to the beat," and happy.  The audience was pleased to "hear old songs that inspired me," music that "connected them" from the "talented and friendly" musicians.  Mostly, the audience was happy to "attend live music in my neighborhood."

Thank you to all for your support; the audiences that appreciated and engaged with the music, and The Sam Hooper Group and Angela Winborn for a wonderful day of music in the Central neighborhood of Cleveland.


Eight donors have made a tremendous impact

Our campaign has been an incredible success so far! Eight generous people have contributed their support. But we still need your help. We have received 75% of the funds to support this project.  Can you share your support for the project before Jan. 31 as the matching funds are running out? Even $10 is going to have a huge impact toward securing the remaining 25% of funding for this project. Make your donation here.   Thank you!!

Three NEW donors will help us secure the matching funds

We have a unique opportunity to double the impact of your donation, thanks to the Fowler Family Foundation Creative Arts Matching Fund.  We are looking for three more NEW donors. Every dollar you give will be matched by the fund, doubling your support for our mission.

With your generous contribution, you will help us bring live music to “music deserts” across the region. You will help us collaborate with Trinity Cathedral to present a public concert, “Songs of Freedom, Hope, and Peace,” on Feb. 23, 2023. This concert will showcase the rich and diverse history of American music, from folk songs to gospel, from blues to jazz, from rock to hip hop.

Will you be one of the three NEW donors we need to secure the matching funds? Please donate today and help us spread the joy of music. Make your donation at

Roots of American music is a nonprofit organization that brings arts-integrated programs to diverse communities in northeast Ohio. We celebrate and preserve traditional American music, enriching people’s lives and enhancing their education through live performances.

Thank you!

Michele Colopy, Executive Director

Your end of year donations double your impact

We are nearly half-way to our goal of supporting our collaborative public concert at Trinity Cathedral, "Songs of Freedom, Hope, and Peace."  This concert will showcase talented BIPOC musicians who will perform gospel, protest songs, and uplifting anthems from various social justice movements in American history. You will hear inspiring stories and melodies that reflect the struggles and triumphs of diverse communities and generations throughout American history.

Music is a powerful way to connect with our shared history, validate our experiences, and motivate us to learn more about the music and events behind the music. By donating to this project, you are supporting the arts and culture of Cleveland’s Central Neighborhood and beyond.

Please take this opportunity to make a difference with your donation. The matching fund is limited and donations are only matched on a first-come basis. Please make your donation today!

Donation doubles support

Our first donor doubled the impact of their donation through the generous support of the Fowler Family Foundation Creative Arts Matching Fund.  Your donations are matched as well and support this collaborative concert for the Central Neighborhood of Cleveland.

Make a donation today to ensure it is matched: Your $25 donation is matched providing a total of $50 to support the creation of this public concert.  Any donation amount is matched.  Please consider a donation today to support 'Songs of Freedom, Hope, and Peace" in collaboration with Trinity Cathedral.

Michele C.


This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Maria A.
  • Phyllis W-K.
  • Bob and Kristen Saada
  • Anonymous
  • Steve S.
  • Prakash G.
  • Vince S.
  • Diane W.
  • Joseph B.
  • Anonymous
  • Steve S.
  • G. Thompson