Community dance linedance classes in Lorain County for all individuals
Christene Mills
1121 Tower Blvd - Open Door Church gym Lorain, OH 44052
I'm currently teaching linedance as a form of exercise to all adults interested in starting a healthier lifestyle! Linedancing is also socially fun. After raising funds we plan to have a spring linedance event open to the public and playing only linedance music. Also, the Church minister is allowing us to use the gym without cost but, I try and bless the church whenever I am able. I currently operate on tips and donations.
Classes are free and held every Friday from 5pm to 7pm at Open Door Church Gym, Lorain Campus! For our spring event we will rent a hall and hire a Dj and invite other classes to join us so that we can come together and share dances and also teach one another. Donations will also help cover the cost of such things as fans and other props we use such as t-shirts and scarfs.
I’m an avid linedancer and instructor. I only started a few years ago. I began going to linedance class to learn the new dances and it quickly became my passion. After my nephew was murdered on Jan 8th, 2019 I took some time off from dancing. Upon returning to line dance class I began feeling pain, which felt like a burning in my esophagus, this continued for two weeks. Exactly 2 months after my nephew death, I suffered a heart attack on March 8th. What triggered the pain, I was trying to keep up with our 77-year-old instructor. The pounding in my back increased gradually until I had no choice but to call 911. My Cardiologist told me and the head nurse also in charge of my surgery said I had what the medical field calls “the widow maker” which people normally get no signs of distress. So line dancing essentially helped save my life. So I want to share it with as many people as possible. It is a great workout and definitely comes in handy at those weddings, birthday parties and wherever people gather to have fun. My motto is “A BODY IN MOTION STAYS IN MOTION, LET’S GOOO”also lets get healthy one step at a time!!