200 Groceries Delivered!

Everybody Eats Deliveries

Help us deliver healthy groceries to families experiencing food-insecurity in Brooklyn, NY! 

NEEDS: $0 of 12,920 + Volunteers

Water, Water Nowhere!

Constance Abby Brings Fresh Water to the St. Mary's Neighborhood!

NEEDS: $0 of 5,076

PPE for Cleveland

Join us to make PPE for those in need!  It's free and you can do it from your home!

NEEDS: $0 of 5,076 + Volunteers

COVID Mental Health Relief

Providing Immediate, Effective Mental Health Services to Underserved Children, Families, and Young Adults in Need During COVID.

NEEDS: $170 of 30,457

Willimantic Skatepark Expansion

A project to expand and improve the skate park in Lauter Park in Willimantic Connecticut

NEEDS: $5,144 of 5,155 + Volunteers

Giving Our Guests Room To Grow

HubHotel is seeking funding to build a fence around the building in order to promote the feeling of safety and security, and encourage the guests to feel more comfortable outdoors in our green spaces.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,000

The Shelter Project

Safe Housing & Employment Services Leading towards Economic Restoration for the homeless.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,000
Marcia in the winter

Phoenix Community Garden Elder Box Program

Providing food stability to elders in Ocean Hill-Brownsville and East Bushwick during the pandemic by delivering fresh fruits and vegetables and pantry staples. 

NEEDS: $0 of 16,277
17 Trees, To Be Precise, Illustration by Juliette Borda

17 Trees, To Be Precise (PART ONE)

A children's book about street tree stewardship, inspired by a true NYC event. The book offers a starting point to speak with kids about the value of community engagement - starting with YOU!

NEEDS: $0 of 7,039 + Volunteers

Expand BUGS Compost Program

Help BUGS middle school students transform garbage to treasure! With your support we can expand our composting capabilities, increase participation and understanding, and offer fun and engaging community programs.

NEEDS: $0 of 7,841 + Volunteers

Turn Gray into Green In Brooklyn

Help Brooklyn schools & locals transform a gray food desert to green healthy places to live & learn with community gardens, farm/flea markets & outdoor learning.


NEEDS: $0 of 30,457 + Volunteers

Summer Break Sanity

Virtual Interactive family summer learning opportunities!

NEEDS: $0 of 1,700
Dark pink bar at the top. Below that is a blurred effect photo of several people against a yellow wall with a white rectangle top left. The FITNA logo appears top left along with yellow text: “FITNA Films Presents”. Black text underneath that states: “#ScholarChat Intro to Islamic Feminism with Dr. Shehnaz Haqqani”

#ScholarChat Islamic Feminism Video Series

Help us make Islamic feminist knowledge accessible through short videos on pressing topics with experts in Islam and gender studies. 

NEEDS: $0 of 4,348 + Volunteers
Youth Micro Intern

Youth Maker Corp

Fund youth residents this summer to serve as ambassadors in the Glenville neighborhood to teach digital fabrication technologies like design software, 3D printing, and electronics!

NEEDS: $16,944 of 22,246 + Volunteers

MODEL Gardeners 2021

Igniting, empowering, and unifying women and young ladies from garden to kitchen, from seed to sale.

NEEDS: $0 of 3,209 + Volunteers
Logo for the Doors for Justice Project

Doors for Justice

Doors for Justice will unite the Westwood neighborhood of Cincinnati to stand in solidarity with our neighbors for racial justice, one door at a time.

NEEDS: $3,015 of 3,750 + Volunteers

Trail Access and Accessible Bicycling

Handmade custom bicycle frames tailored to fit individual riders and their specific needs. Focusing on diversifying mountain biking and bikepacking in and around the Northeastern United States.

NEEDS: $11,435 of 105,435
Autism Acceptance MonthHelp a Caregiver get the 3 RsRest, Renewal and Respite in a blue paint splotch

Shaker Respite, Revive, Renew


Celebrate Autism Acceptance Month With Us!

Help local caregivers pay for the respite they need due to Covid related reductions in support.

NEEDS: $0 of 1,190
Machines in the Garden #3

Machines in the Garden

"Machines in the Garden" is a public-art photography project that considers how contemporary greening initiatives changes the urban fabric of Brooklyn.

NEEDS: $0 of 6,417
A distribution center volunteer sorts donated produce into packages on a table.

PRWA Distribution Center - Spring Drive

Help to support PRWA, as we continue to deliver Care Packages and resources to restaurant households afected by Covid-19.

NEEDS: $0 of 1,413 + Volunteers

Summer Performance Series

Broadway talent will be bustin'out all over during the West 132nd Street Community Garden Summer Performance Series!



NEEDS: $0 of 6,720 + Volunteers

Summer in the Square

Outdoor music events for the whole community all summer long in Stuyvesant Square Park!

NEEDS: $0 of 1,720 + Volunteers

The Chapter 41 Project

Filling in the GAPS and building community for a better tomorrow. 

NEEDS: $5,473 of 5,473 + Volunteers

Cleveland Art Week 2021

Cleveland Art Week was created to celebrate the diversity of art.  From Sunday to Saturday, families will be able to participate in various activities that will inspire, educate and support the art community. 

NEEDS: $0 of 3,046

5PM Porch Community Music Program

A JPMP neighborhood teaching/performing story/song program for students and local career musicians in Kensington and Flatbush, Brooklyn.

NEEDS: $0 of 2,774 + Volunteers

Lampblack Direct Aid Fund

Lampblack is raising a direct aid fund to support Black writers financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,670
Get your tickets to the2021 Miss HBCU Teen Scholarship Pageant

The Miss HBCU Teen Scholarship Pageant

We provide scholarships, resources and support to girls of color to ensure that they are empowered, excel during their college years, and advance successfully into their careers.

NEEDS: $0 of 3,285 + Volunteers
