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Organization Name
LAWRS Foundation, Inc.
About Us
The LAWRS Foundation, Inc. which stands for "Legal Advocacy and Writ Resources," is a legal advocacy organization that provides training and certification for individuals to become "Legal Navigators." Individuals who are legal navigators serve as courtroom advocates and participate in a variety of duties. This includes assisting pro se litigants, case intake, document preparation and filing, attorney referrals, accompany litigants during critical stages of court proceedings, and other responsibilities as a continuum of legal advocacy services. Areas in which legal navigators will be trained to assist in are 1) housing, 2) debtor/creditor relief, 3) child support, and 4) family law. Studies have shown that access to assistance offers a better life chance opportunities for individuals facing a crisis, instead of simply the merits of the case.
We Participate Because
I participate in activities associated with Ioby because they are reflective of my views on working together to create positive changes, raise the level on human consciousness, and creating opportunities to empower community members.