Art in the Garden addresses the impacts of early childhood adversity and trauma on health and learning through anti-racist, LGBTQA+ led, joy-centered programming in the arts and ecology.
Emily Carlson
527 North Beatty Street Pittsburgh , PA 15206
Art in the Garden's programming focuses on addressing impacts of early childhood adversity and trauma on health and learning. At least half of the spots in our programming are always reserved for students from low-income families and/or who identify as a person of color, immigrant, or refugee. The funds we raise go directly to ensuring programming for these students.
Art in the Garden is a program that:
Art in the Garden is a program of OMA Center for Mind, Body and Spirit and Borland Garden.
Art in the Garden's programming is made possible by donors like you. Your donation goes directly to:
Talented teaching artists and ecologists provide unique experiences for youth and families at Art in the Garden. Teaching artists and ecologists empower youth and build confidence, giving youth opportunities to experience themselves as agents of positive change. Returning partners include: Sankofa Village of the Arts, Pittsburgh Forest Garden, SOAR Coaching Academy, Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Pittsburgh, and Earthen Vessels, a group that provides free breakfasts and lunches to campers. We're thrilled to announce our newest partners: The Mural Art Project, led by Max “Gems” Gonzalez, Shane Pilster, and Jerome "Chu" Charles, in collaboration with Rivers of Steel and HCUAP, teaches graffiti and mural arts skills while building community and empowering youth to challenge barriers and give voice to their dreams. Youth have opportunities to create lasting murals that foster love and solidarity and justice. Pittsburgh Glass Center teaches campers the beauty, versatility, and art of glass; campers have opportunities to make collaborative glass murals and pieces to share with their families.
We believe in systems powered by love and justice.
We believe it is morally imperative to prevent early childhood adversity.
We believe that when we grow in connectedness to ourselves, each other, and the earth, we are able to create healthier communities.
We believe mindfulness practices have the power to help youth as they work to reframe untrue and distorted or limiting beliefs and that this can create space for the positive transformation of self, family, and community.
We believe that all people deserve access to healthy food.
We believe all people have a right to easily access and enjoy green space.
We believe in an environmental ethic that sequester carbon, creates wildlife habitat, and increases biodiversity for the benefit of all beings.
We believe in the transformative power and healing potential of art and nature.