A serene garden space where you can nourish your mind, body, and spirit through nature's gifts.
Dorrie Smith-Richie
Kilbuck Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15214
With the assistance of the City of Pittsburgh Public Works Dept, The vacant space behind Zenshine Community Garden in Riverview Park will become a fruit and berry orchard with an apiary. We have partnered with Grow Pittsburgh and Tree Pittsburgh on the project's expansion apace. Our mission for this unique is to create a beautifully serene and distinctive community area within a regional park that becomes a safe and welcoming place for community events and educational resources on beekeeping, how toos on maintaining an orchard, gardening, mindfulness, and meditation for a healthier lifestyle. The orchard and apiary space is a welcomed additional space. Like the garden and labyrinth project, this will come to fruition by the community and the 5 Points Merchants organization with much pride.
The money raised will fund the purchase of fruit trees, berry bushes, pollinating plants for the orchard, wet meadows, boxes for beekeeping, and educational classes.
Mid-Summer 2023:
Early Fall 2023
When we started Zenshine Community Garden in 2022, we knew our project had found its niche. With Zenshine Community Garden being nestled inside the City of Pittsbuegh's Riverview Park, we have changed the perception of a problematic space to a safe and welcoming place to relax and enjoy nature.
Our new space will enable us to address wet and muddy fields into beautiful wet meadows solving some of the water drainage issues in the park. Planting fruit trees and berry bushes will also absorb a lot of ground moisture and become an additional food source for the community. Adding the apiary provides a great learning tool on how honey is made for the community.
People who hike through the park have become curious about the garden. They want to know what they can do to help or how to become a gardener. Zenshine has hosted events that have brought together many non-profit organizations interested in Riverview Park.
In our second year, Zenshine has become instrumental in bringing people of various backgrounds together for a common goal. They enjoy gardening together, teaching their children about gardening. It solves a food issue for many. It's where people can afford to grow fresh produce in a public space without worrying about how they can get transportation to buy expensive produce outside their community. The children are excited to grow plants in the children's garden area, especially strawberries. It's a fun learning experience for them.
The changes in the new space will add even more excitement and curiosity.
Our Vision: